Pain Relief
The Complimentary Consultation
The best way for me to help you find answers for the problems you have and set the goals is to offer you a complimentary consultation with me in my office. This is a time for me to get to know you, and more importantly, for you to know me. You’ll find out more, ask questions and decide if Bowenwork is a good fit for you. I shall learn more about you and what your goals are and from there we’ll go over recommendations for you personally, package options and costs involved. This way you will make the best choice for how you’d like to move forward. While there is no obligation to “sign up” at any time, I do take a credit card number to hold your Consultation appointment.
Upper Body Issues
If you have this type of pain and have had direct trauma (impact) to the body part we start by relaxing the upper body then doing specific Bowenwork procedures that promote muscle release and reduce swelling(inflammation). In these cases Bowenwork can usually resolve your issues in *1-3 sessions.
If there is no direct trauma then the injury is usually caused by muscle imbalances and (unknowingly) improper use of the body. Chronic or gradual onset cases usually take a little longer to resolve. We start by going over the imbalances in the body and start postural exercises to balance the body. We then will relax the body and use specific Bowenwork procedures to release the upper body and the body part that is in pain.In these cases the first session is usually 11/2 hours long with others 1 hour long and *average of about 5 sessions being needed. Schedule your Complimentary Consultation and learn more.
Mid Lower Back Issues
Mid/lower back pain is almost always caused by muscle imbalances. They are usually the most difficult issues to resolve and usually involve the hips. The mid/lower back is in use at all times except when laying flat on the back and it is absolutely necessary to start postural exercises daily to balance the muscles. Mid /low back issues are resolved by releasing the muscles along the spine and then in the hips with structural function exercises being given. In these cases the first session is usually11/2 hours long with others being 1 hour long and *average of 7- 9 sessions being needed. Schedule your Complimentary Consultation and learn more.
Lower Body Issues
If you have this type of pain and have had direct trauma (impact) to the body part we start by relaxing the whole body then doing specific Bowenwork procedures that promote muscle release and reduce swelling (inflammation). In these cases Bowework can usually resolve your issues in *2-4 sessions. If there is no direct trauma then the injury is usually caused by muscle imbalances and (unknowingly) improper use of the body.
Chronic or gradual onset cases usually take a little longer to resolve. We start by going over the imbalances in the body and start postural exercises to balance the body. Then we will relax the body and use specific Bowenwork procedures to release the lower body and the body part that is in pain. In these cases the first session is usually11/2 hours long with others being 1 hour long and *average of about 6 – 8 sessions being needed. More sessions are needed in lower body injuries because of bigger muscles and more constant use of the lower body. Schedule your Complimentary Consultation and learn more.
Eliminate Body Pain Today
Give us a call to schedule your first healing session.
- 408-242-2665
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